I found a tolerable workaround to Ghost's weird blockquote behaviour

Over at https://markamery.com/blog/i-set-up-a-blog-it-was-annoying/, I grumbled that:

3. Ghost's WYSIWYG editor should support headings inside quotes

An annoyance I discovered in Ghost's editor: if you try to format some text as a heading inside a blockquote (either by selecting text and formatting as a heading via the formatting bar that appears when you select text, or by writing a # symbol at the start of a line within a quote), the blockquote disappears, and similarly if you try to quote an existing heading, it ceases to be heading. The only way to quote content that includes headings - like I did earlier when quoting from the Ghost docs - is to insert a "raw HTML card" and write in HTML instead of using the WYSIWYG editor. This seems crappy and might be easily fixable.

Via https://ghost.org/help/using-markdown/, I found a tolerable workaround: add a "Markdown card" and write in Markdown. This isn't very different to the normal editing experience, but lets you quote stuff properly.

I'm going to do a quick test that multi-paragraph quotes work properly, since I've seen some suggestions otherwise, though I didn't read them carefully:

Heading 1

Foo bar paragraph 1.

Qux baz paragraph 2.

A subheading

Fworble worble paragraph 3

Yep, looks fine. Here's a screenshot of how it looks in the editor:


Nonetheless, I still think the WYSIWYG's default behaviour is dumb, but per https://forum.ghost.org/t/paragraphs-inside-blockquotes-koenig-editor/4351/2 it's as designed, so whatever.